Guides/Guide: How to choose the right toy for children of different ages

    Guide: How to choose the right toy for children of different ages

    Small children develop quickly and sometimes it can be difficult to know which toys are suitable for different ages. Our guide gives you an overview of how children play and what they are fascinated by – from babies up to five-year-olds. At Jabadabado you will find a large selection of toys and here you will find suggestions for the most popular toys of different ages. Join us!


    Children up to a year - discovering the world

     The first year of a child's life is transformative. The little person goes from being a shelterless little baby to becoming a competent one-year-old. In the beginning, play is about using and developing the senses: by seeing, listening, smell, taste and feel. Happy colours and materials of various kinds catch the baby’s attention and gradually the child becomes better at gripping things with his hands.

    For the smallest child, sturdy and simple toys that develop the child's fine motor skills are suitable. Even toys with harmonious sounds, beautiful materials and cheerful colours arouse curiosity. Rattles, musicals and baby mobiles are good examples of toys of this age.

    In the second half of the year, the child explores the world even more, and then security can become even more important. That's why stuffed animals and cuddles are especially popular right now. The outside world becomes important for the growing child and all play takes place in interaction with you – the most important people in the child's life. 

    More toys suitable for children aged 0-1

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    See all toys suitable for children 0–1 years here

    Children 1–2 years: an active period

    After the one-year anniversary, development continues at a high pace. The child explores, experiments, imitates, and repeats things that he encounters. The one-year-old likes to play with other children, although it usually happens side by side. Many children start preschool now and are taught to coexist. Practicing turn-taking is therefore good, something you can do with the child, for example, with blocks or other stacking toys.

    One-year-olds are active and as their motor skills develop, moving toys also become increasingly exciting, such as pull animals. Playing with vehicles is also perfect for this age: such as garages, car tracks and fire trucks. Toys such as activity wagons are also particularly good for developing fine motor skills and the desire for experimentation.

    From the age of two, the child develops his identity. In many, the will is strong and the child "can do himself". Now the imagination is also developing rapidly and many children appreciate playing what their parents usually do. A hit is usually toy food (approved from two years) that the child can serve to family and friends.

    More toys suitable for children 1–2 years

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    See all toys suitable for children 1–2 years here

    Children 3–5 years old: a rich inner life

    From the age of three, children are happy to play together with others and now is the most intense period of role-playing. It when playing and fantasizes that the child explores life and all that it entails with emotions and relationships. Role play bags and toy belts with different themes are therefore a perfect gift for a three- or four-year-old. Here you will find everything to play doctor, carpenter, hairdresser, or veterinarian. Cooking in the toy kitchen, while you prepare the dinner, is also popular for the larger child.

    From four years, the child becomes more and more independent. The thinking and language are starting to resemble those of adults and now is therefore a good time to start introducing simple games with instructions. Toys that involve cooperation, communication and self-thinking make the child develop at a high pace.

    Friends are becoming increasingly important to the larger child. Role-playing is still both fun and significant for the child's development. With increased skills and dexterity, creative toys such as musical instruments are also well suited for the five-year-old.

    More toys suitable for children 3–5 years

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    See all toys suitable for children aged 3–5 here

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